About “前程无忧”51job.com(东莞) |
“前程无忧”(Nasdaq:JOBS) 是国内领先的集多种媒介资源优势的专业人力资源服务机构。它集合了传统媒体、网络媒体及先进的信息技术,加上一支经验丰富的专业顾问队伍,提供包括招聘猎头、培训测评和人事外包在内的全方位专业人力资源服务,现在全国包括香港的26个城市设有服务机构。2004年9月,前程无忧成为首个在美国纳斯达克上市的中国人力资源服务企业,融资8000多万美元,标志前程无忧的发展进入一个新的里程。 51job (Nasdaq:JOBS) is a leading human resource solutions provider in China, offering a broad array of services in the areas of recruitment solutions, training and assessment, and HR tools and outsourcing services. We combine the strengths of traditional (print) and new (Internet) media and leverage technology and a staff of experienced professionals to deliver an integrated recruitment solution. 51job serves hundreds of thousands of domestic and multinational corporate clients through 26 offices in Hong Kong and Mainland China. In September 2004, 51job successfully completed its IPO on Nasdaq, raising over US$80 million to fund its continuing expansion.