Appropriate background and work experience in any of oil, gas, petrochemical, power generation, refinery, mining equipment, rail transport, structural steel, shipping or process industries.
- 具备以下任一行业工作经验和背景的从业者:油、气掘采设施、石油化工、电站、炼油厂、矿山机械、轨道运输、钢结构、造船及机械加工等。 - Sound manufacturing knowledge in compressor/turbine/pump and fans. - 熟练掌握压缩机、汽轮机、泵、风机等制造专业知识。 - It is preferable that applicants would have additional qualifications for welding,NDT qualifications. - 具备焊接或无损探伤资质者从优。 - It is expected that applicants will have a sound knowledge of local and international standards applicable for the work. - 了解所从事专业的国、内外标准。 - Better communication skills in written by English. - 良好的英文书面表达能力。 - Junior college degree of science or above. - 大专以上相关学历。 - At least five years experience in the relevant fields listed above.- 五年以上制造现场工作经验。 - Able to travel frequently. - 能够适应频繁出差的工作特性。 If you are interested in this job, please be free to contact us by |