Basic Tradition

Posted 2011/1/25

Basic tradition

The Chinese use chopsticks and spoons at the table. There is no knife at a Chinese table because the food is already carved and cut up into pieces that are either large enough for a mouthful or so well cooked that they can be easily separated into smaller pieces by chopsticks. Chopsticks can be found in a variety of materials - ivory, plastic, silver, and even jade - but the most common ones are made of wood or bamboo. For everyday use, wood, bamboo, or ivory is best. Chopsticks are used for cooking as well as eating. They are good for serving noodles, retrieving deep-fried foods, beating eggs, and stir-frying. One can even buy extra-long "cooking chopsticks," which make these kitchen tasks even easier.

Instructions for using chopsticks:
1) Place the first chopstick in the hollow between thumb and index finger and rest its lower end below the first joint of the third finger. This chopstick remains stationary.

2) Hold the other chopstick between the tips of the index and middle fingers, steady its upper half against the base of the index finger, and use the tips of the thumb to keep it in place.

3) To pick up things, move the upper chopstick with index and middle fingers.

4) After a little practice, you will be able to use chopsticks like an expert.

Practice is essential to the successful command of chopsticks.



Feng Shui, a practical philosophy, existed before the Chinese invited their writing system. The ancient wise people used the most original and basic binary form of "Yin" and "Yang" to reason the events of the world around them.  Traditionally symbolizes the space between heaven and earth - the area in which we live.

The underlying philosophy recognizes that our environment and we are sustained by an invisible, yet tangible, energy called
hi otherwise knows as energy. It moves like wind, but can eddy and become trapped like water, and stagnate.

The skill of a Feng Shui consultant lies in recognizing where Chi (energy) is flowing freely, where it may be trapped and stagnate, or where it may be excessive. The work of an occupier is to create space for Chi (energy) to flow and activate the opportunities that may be frustrated by obstacles. These skills and work are applied together with a harmonious re-balancing of Yin and Yang, the dark and light of all situations. The principles may be applied geo-physically as well as superficially to placement, design and decoration. House and garden should work together relative to life, health, wealth and happiness. Every aspect of home, life, career and relationships is open to enhancement.

Feng Shui facilitates holistic development of the individual, his family or business by enhancing the immediate environment and it is natural that good fortune and increased energy should accompany proper implementation.

Recommendations for change and placement are based on nine traditional cures, adapted for modern western use, involving light, sound, life, movement, stability, electricity, symbolism, color and transcendental solutions, all as required or appropriate.

The lion dance is an important part of the Chinese tradition. The dance is common practice as part of Chinese New Year festivals as well as other celebrations including the grand opening of a business and wedding and religious festivals. The Chinese believe the lion dance brings good luck, happiness and prosperity.

The traditions of the lion dance date back to thousands of years ago. In the Tang dynasty, the lion dance was performed in a group of five lions of different colors. Twelve men dressed in colorful costumes and with a red band around the forehead and a red colored brush in hand followed each lion. These people were called
ion-men? And they danced in tempo to the drums and gongs. Lion dances were initially a noble entertainment and gradually spread to the army and finally to the civilians.

In China, the lion dance differs in various regions of the country, especially in appearances. In Northern China, the body of the lion is full of hair except for the head. They look more like the real lion and usually dance in pairs. In Southern China, however, the lion looks far removed from the real lion because it is made of multi-colored pieces of linen. The melody of the dance is quite alike and it is difficult for a layman to differentiate.

Two dancers enact the lion dance. One handles the head, made out of strong but light materials like paper-mach? And bamboo; the other plays the body and the tail under a cloth that is attached to the head. Three musicians, playing a large drum, cymbals and a gong, accompany the
animal? A Little Buddha teases it with a fan or a giant ball. The head dancer can move the lion's eyes, mouth and ears for expression of moods. The lion dance combines art, history and kung fu. Normally, the performers are kung fu practitioners. Every kind of move has a specific musical rhythm. The music follows the moves of the lion: the drum follows the lion; the cymbals and the gong follow the drum player.


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