Learn to enjoy your job

Posted 2020/3/11

“Loving” your job could be as simple as imagining how happy you could be.


That’s the advice of Robert Gerrish, business coach and founder of small business website Flying Solo.


“Ask yourself what are the types of things you would be doing in your happy job,’’ Gerrish says.


Work Life Design career coach Trish Weston recommends enlisting the support of your boss to spice things up.


The experts agree that by refreshing your attitude and getting some new runs on the board, you are also making yourself more marketable if you decide that moving on is the best course of action for 2009.


Weston advises those who have gone stale to dream up a project or new responsibilities to pitch to your manager.


“If you have a good relationship with your boss or manager, there are lots of things you can work on together that will not only increase your enthusiasm but also your performance,’’ she says.


“I’ve never met a boss who says ‘no’ to increased productivity, especially if the employee comes up with the plan for how it can happen.”


Gerrish believes small adjustments to your work habits and environment can result in significant changes to your attitude.


“Be experimental. Who says we have to always work in the office? If you have a tricky task to do, then why not go outside and work somewhere else? You might find you are more effective,’’ he says.


“If you work in cubicles you could even have a `decorate your cubicle day’. Or decide what the three best areas in your office are and rotate working in these areas throughout the day.


And communication is vital, Gerrish says.


“Make time to talk and interact with your colleagues.


“Create a work team and start a project together,’’ he says.


“You could start a coffee club or bring fresh flowers into the office once a week. Even little changes like this can signify that something (in the office) has changed.’’


Sometimes finding a new job is the best way of invigorating your career.


“If you’re not enjoying your job, especially if it’s starting to affect your health or your home life, it’s incredibly important that you take action now to change either your job or how you’re coping,’’ Weston says.


“I’ve coached quite a few people who stayed in a situation they hated because they were afraid to risk losing their security, and ended up getting retrenched or burning out and having to leave anyway.


“Firstly, whether the market is stable or unstable, the best time to find a new job is when you have a job.’’



Work Life Design career coach Trish Weston says there is a place for everyone in the career market, no matter what their age, education or work experience:


Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Confident people credit hard work for their success and develop skills for bouncing back in tough times. What do you do? Get to know yourself and what you’re capable of.

Set goals. Write down what you want and when you want it. Set short-term goals such as how many jobs you will apply for or a plan for retraining.

Look for a mentor or expert advice. Respect the time of anyone who can offer advice.
Surround yourself with supportive people who can offer encouragement.

Stay positive. Focus on what you want.


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