"wang " as a Surname

Posted 2017/8/30

The surname "Wang" has always been one of the most popular and oldest surnames in China.

It is among the top three surnames that occupy the largest number of population in China. It has a complex origin. As the story goes, some of the clansmen are offspring of Bi Gonggao, the fifteenth son of king Wen of Zhou Dynasty; some are said to be the posterity of Emperor Shun, one of China's sage kings; others are said to be offspring of Bi Gan, with the surname originated from “Zi” (子). The above three clans are all related to the original meaning of “Wang” (the king).

Besides the above origins, some are also said to be the posterity of minority dynasties, who had the surname since their ancestors had been great kings. Of course, some people were conferred the surname or pretenders of it instead of crowning the royal origin. Therefore, many origins, wide distribution and prosperous population have become the characteristics of the surnam


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