Fanyin Cave

Posted 2017/4/13




    Fanyin Cave 梵音洞 , which means the cave of Sanskrit sound is located at the easternmost of Mount Putuo. The two walls of its entrance are cliffy and opposite each other, about 70 meter high and 50 meter deep inwards. There is a huge natural rock spanning over the cliff like a huge stone bridge. Upon the bridge is a building called Guanfo Pavilion. Walking from the cliff top down along the cliff stairs more than 200 steps, one can reach it, seeing the sea forward in bird's view and taking a lookup at the cave backward. With a little imagination you can see Guanyin in the formation of the rocks.

    It is foggy everywhere in the cave and the fog is changeable with a lot of strange shapes under the functions of the sunlight and waves. The Buddhist believers regard these changeable phenomena as the embodiment of Guanyin and prostrate themselves in worship. When the sea tide enters the cave the frightened sounds are like lion's roars and tiger's howls, even deafening the ears.



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