Chinese Aesthetics

Posted 2017/4/13

Since traditional Chinese philosophy has as an ideal attaining harmony between human beings and heaven, and as humans are part of nature, it is appropriate for the Chinese people to pay great attention to the harmony between their own creations and nature. Therefore, the main road Chinese art has followed is basically simplicity. So, Chinese aesthetics sees recovering one's original purity and simplicity as the highest state of beauty. Only if, before creating a work of art, the artist gathers imagination and inspiration, understands all the phenomena on earth from the standpoint of simplicity, and tastes the multicoloured nature of purity, can he claim to possess the spirit of beauty. As long as it is simple, plain, sincere, and full of imagination, it will be appreciated by the Chinese people. Recovering and maintaining one's original purity and simplicity, while upholding nature, vividness of presentation, balance and harmony are the essentials of Chinese art.

Chinese works of art, especially literature and drama, pay a great deal of attention to moral evaluation. China's works of art squarely face reality and make life-like portrayals, they are also replete with colorful imagination. The artists always maintain a sense of detachment from their creations, being at once inside the art and also outside the art. This sense of distance is one of the unique aspects of Chinese art. Chinese artwork very much emphasizes stirring the imagination of the audience. The artists try their best to immerse the audience and make them participate in their creations.


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